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How do I book a session online?If you are looking to book a recording appointment or any thing else regarding 'Ashby' in the studio you must select the amount of hours you think you'd require to complete the task at hand. If you are looking to book a mixing appointment for your song you must choose one of the two "ASHBYMIX" flat rates displayed on the "Book Online Now" page. It will guide you from that point on to complete the booking proccess succefuly and we'll be sure to follow up with a confirmation and diposite for your appointment before the initial date comes up.
How do you accept files from other DAW's outside of Pro Tools for mix down?Just simply bounce a consolidation of all indivitual tracks in your current session as 24bit/48kHz or 32bit/48kHz WAV files both Wet (with effects) & Dry (no effects)
How do I send you the entire Pro Tools session file? (Pro Tools Only)Just simply send me a "copy of" the Pro Tools sesison folder that contains all the data for that perticular song(s). If you are not sure where it's located ask your recording engineer to make a "Save Copy In" folder just for you to keep.
How do I transfer these large file folders to you online?Please make sure you "compress or zip" the folder first. Then uplaod it to your Google Drive, Drop Box or preferably
What form of payment $ is required?Send your deposit via PayPal or Zelle to this email address "" or CashApp to $ashbymix.
Is there anything else that you may need?A) Need name of the Artist(s) on song so I can label the mix file accordingly. B) Aslo need the current song title of file so I can label the mix accordingly. C) Send the mp3 "roughmix or draft" you've been listening to up until this point. Example "ARTIST NAME_SONG NAME_ROUGHMIX.mp3" Send directly to

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